Questions in Austin
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Recently Asked Questions in Austin
are there still batting cages at the sportsplex on Pleasant Valley?
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Young couple moving from Illinois to Austin in two weeks. HELP!
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Does anyone know of any large auto insurance companies in Austin?
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Are there hospitals in Hyde Park? How is the health care system for seniors?
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1 Answer
Can I run a construction company from my home in Windsor Park Austin Texas
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Is Lambie Street a safe and friendly neighborhood to rent?
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1 Answer
Is it safe for a visitor to Austin for short term stay to choose this location: Jeff Davis Avenue?
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2 Answers
Which are the best places to sightsee that not too touristy?
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What city/neighborhood in Texas is diverse, safe, family-oriented, and has good schools?
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What are the best apartments to live in the West Austin or Tarrytown area?
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Where is the cheapest best place to live in Austin, Texas?
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What's the best middle to upper class neighborhood in Austin?
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Im moving to Austin in thirty days from Boston Zilker a good area to go?
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3 Answers
Does anyone know anything about the Knollwood on the Colorado development thats being constructed?
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