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Leave a ReviewThis policy outlines our practices for managing the personal information we hold about our registered members, potential members and others. The purpose of this policy is to allow users of the StreetAdvisor website and/or services to make an informed decision when releasing personal information. StreetAdvisor values the privacy of the users of its website and services.
This policy is incorporated into and subject to the StreetAdvisor terms of use.
In summary, 'personal information' is information or an opinion relating to an individual which can be used to identify that individual.
We collect personal information in order to conduct our business, to provide and market our services and to meet our legal obligations.
The type of information we may collect and hold includes (but is not limited to) personal information about:
In general, the type of personal information we collect and hold includes (but is not limited to) names, addresses, contact details, occupations and other information which assists us in conducting our business, providing and marketing our services and products and meeting our legal obligations.
In most cases, if personal information we request is not provided, we may not be able to supply the relevant product or service.
Personal Information you provide: We will generally collect personal information by way of forms filled out online or sent to us by fax or post, in face-to-face meetings, interviews, business cards, telephone conversations and from third parties. We also uses cookies to make your use of our website as convenient as possible. If you do not wish to receive any cookies you may set your browser to refuse cookies. This may mean you may not be able to use some of our online services.
We may use and disclose your personal information for the primary purpose for which it is collected, for reasonably expected secondary purposes which are related to the primary purpose and in other circumstances authorised by law.
In general, we use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:
You may opt-out of receiving from us any or all emails that advertise or promote goods or services. Our promotional emails will contain a link allowing you to adjust your email subscription preferences so that you are removed from our marketing mailing list.
We may perform statistical analyses by aggregating personal information of all users or groups of users of our website or services and provide this information to other parties, including advertisers, for marketing and promotional purposes. However, the information provided will not be in a form that will allow any third party to identify you personally.
We may also use your personal information if we reasonably believe that doing so may mitigate our liability.
We may disclose your personal information to:
Our website may contain links to third party websites not associated with StreetAdvisor. We do not share personal information with those websites and are not responsible for their privacy practices. If you click on a link to a third party website, you should review the privacy policy of that website in order to determine what information about you (if any) has been collected.
We take reasonable steps to keep personal information secure and protect personal information we hold from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, for example by use of physical security and restricted access to electronic records.
StreetAdvisor personnel are required to respect the confidentiality of personal information and the privacy of individuals.
Where we no longer require your personal information for a lawful purpose, we will take reasonable steps to destroy it.
We endeavour to ensure that the personal information we hold is accurate, complete and up-to-date. We encourage you to contact us in order to update any personal information we hold about you. Our contact details are set out below. If any of the information that you provide to us when you register as a member changes, you can update the information yourself via the StreetAdvisor website.
Subject to the exceptions set out in the Privacy Act, you may gain access to the personal information which we hold about you by contacting [email protected].
We will require you to verify your identity and to specify what information you require. A fee may be charged for providing access. We will advise you of the likely cost in advance.
We may collect and use browser related information, IP addresses, requested URL's, referring URL's and timestamp data. We use this information to maintain the StreetAdvisor website and provide the StreetAdvisor services. We may also use this information to perform statistical analyses and inform advertisers of such information.
Children under 13 years of age are not permitted to access our website or our services and we do not collect personal information about children under 13 years of age. If we become aware that a child under 13 years of age is accessing our website or services, we will contact the child only to inform that he or she is not permitted to access the website or use our services.
If StreetAdvisor is to be acquired by or merge with another entity we may transfer or assign the information we have collected about users as part of the acquisition, sale, merger or change of control. We may not be able to control how personal information collected is used in the event of insolvency, receivership or assignment for the benefit of creditors.
We may change the terms of this policy at any time. If a material change is made, we will notify you of the change by displaying a notice on the homepage of our website. It is your responsibility to review this policy periodically. Your continued use of our website indicates your assent to be bound by any changes to this policy.
If you have any questions about privacy issues please contact [email protected].
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