Land Park Dr, Land Park
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Land Park Dr
"Land Park in Sacramento is one of Sacramento's BEST"
Coming in right off of Broadway at the deco Towers is a beautifully tree lined street full of character with homes that are well cared for and a variety of bungalows, tutor, craftsman, contemporary and more.
As you travel down Land Park Drive, the park is one of beauty. Not only is the Sacramento Zoo in Land Park along with FairyTale Town, an amuzement park, pony rides, a lake with ducks, a soccer field, baseball field, tennis and even a golf course but the ambiance is spectacular.
We are so lucky to have such a wonderful park like William Land Park right here in the heart of Sacramento.
As you travel down Land Park Drive, the park is one of beauty. Not only is the Sacramento Zoo in Land Park along with FairyTale Town, an amuzement park, pony rides, a lake with ducks, a soccer field, baseball field, tennis and even a golf course but the ambiance is spectacular.
We are so lucky to have such a wonderful park like William Land Park right here in the heart of Sacramento.
I noticed you wrote a glowing review of Land Park Drive, yet you only gave it 1 out of 5?
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