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Claremont Ct, Glen Eden

37.61601551231 -122.077527480056

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Unranked Streets in Glen Eden

"Great street to live on"
37.6334270785592 -122.103181394568
"just not up to standards"
37.6325081664896 -122.1004644972

Calaroga Ave

"Calaroga Avenue is the gateway to Southland Mall, Hayward, California"
37.627958685216 -122.089875761763

Catalpa Way

"Call this street Little Mexico!"
37.6218801309116 -122.08650678074

Darwin St

"Needs Work but has potential."
37.6313092852442 -122.102733125067
"A larger street but another winner"
37.6331592690344 -122.106418772356
"yet another winner"
37.6325074653076 -122.105330338839

Kirkwood Dr

"Wonderful Wonderful except..."
37.6209524226258 -122.095896083468

Naples St

"Nice location I think"
37.628879309819 -122.103203091667

Osage Ave

"really just a shame"
37.6194704717337 -122.079996606928

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