Moving to Point Breeze as a Single Female Professional
I am looking into this neighborhood and see that crime is still quite high even among the recent gentrification. Is it safe for a single middle aged female professional to buy a home there?
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4 Answers
It really depends on the block you are looking at. Point Breeze varies a lot depending on the specific block. East of Broad St will be safer, but many of the homes are more expensive. Consider Washington Square West; or Whitman/Pennsport if you want good bang for your buck in terms of safety and accessibility.
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I think it is. My female friends are little leery. But if you want a safe spot stay between the box that is washington to wharton 16th-20th. The rectangle that is washington to oak ford, 20th-24th is possibly the 2nd safest area. I would also recommend 16th-18th wharton to reed or dickinson.
Anything south of those areas is randomly developed. you'll see if you drive around and start looking at houses
Anything south of those areas is randomly developed. you'll see if you drive around and start looking at houses
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I used to live in Point Breeze and still have family there. It's changing so rapidly that I have a hard time making recommendations. Honestly, I've seen entire blocks taken down and rebuilt within months. Point Breeze is 'up and coming' according to all these real estate agents and investors, but I think the long-term value is questionable. A more reasonable, stable, and sound investment would be the East side of Broad St such as Whitman or Pennsport neighborhoods, where there are thriving mom and pop shops along with the newer developments. They are safer and have a blend of old and new without being so fast and contrived like the forced development of Point Breeze. That said, your experience in Point Breeze with vary a lot depending on the block and whether the old locals are still around or if development is actively happening on said block. I love the locals as I spent many years in Point Breeze as a resident.
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Plenty of people are buying homes there without a problem among all demographics, so I wouldn't worry too much. Just go with your gut feeling in any area; things can vary dramatically block by block in all neighborhoods.
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