Where do most French expats live?

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4 Answers

Hi Barbara,
I posted my answer, but don't think you got it. I don't believe you will find a specific area of French Ex patriots. Unlike some nations, we never had an influx of French citizens escaping a regime or form of government the way we have had with other nations. In addition, English is a second language and most French people I have known, also speak French so the oneness to live closer together is not quite the same as it would be if it were a nationality that didn't speak English as well as French. I recommend you call the French consulate and find out if they have any information that might help you. Philadelphia is a huge melting pot and you would probably be very comfortable almost anywhere in the city.
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barbjunco Thanks everyone for your information. It was helpful.
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TomEnglett1 2yrs+
Hi Barbara,

That is a difficult question for a real estate agent to answer. Try this site for your answer. http://www.internations.org/philadelphia-expats/french

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JamesCutler1 2yrs+
I agree with the other agents that this is a difficult question to give an answer to. Even further, if I did have an answer for this question, in general I try to avoid discussions of demographics as this can lead to misrepresentations and fair housing law violations. I would advise that anyone who is new to Philadelphia should see as much of the available inventory as possible, so they will get a good understanding of the neighborhoods and types of properties that best fit their lifestyle.
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CaponePhilly 2yrs+
I agree, not sure that data even exists. Tom's link above or the Alliance Francaise would be a great starting point. http://www.afphila.com/
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