Easter Fun

I'm not a religious person, but I do enjoy myself the holidays. Is it wrong that I am an adult and still want to do an easter egg hunt . . .only maybe it could be beers with bunny ears on them. Guess I'll have to settle for a boozy brunch instead . . . what do you guys do for Easter now that we're adults?
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Uraniumfish 2yrs+
This probably sounds silly, but my work out geeks always organize crazy fitness challenges during holidays. On Thanksgiving it was running in Prospect Park. For Easter there's a big fitness competition. So that's what I'm doing. Though I'm only going to go root for others, not doing 300 squats myself.
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BroadwayBK 2yrs+
@Uraniumfish I would rather eat Cadbury Creme Eggs on Easter than run a marathon. But that's just me.

@JenMac It seems that my friends all did Easter brunch. It was a perfect day for it, too!
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uptowngirl 2yrs+
@Everyone did anyone at all watch the Easter Parade on Fifth Avenue? I didnt do much worked all day to make up for the time off I will take during the big move...:(
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NeverSleeps 2yrs+
I haven't been able to sit through a parade since I was a kid. I guess those big balloons and whatnot just don't do it for me anymore...
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JenMac 2yrs+
Yeah, me too on the parades. Too many people in one condensed area. And, call me a fuddy duddy, but I've never understood the appeal of looking at a float with people waving.
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BroadwayBK 2yrs+
I am with NeverSleeps and JenMac on the parade thing. I don't even think I liked them when I was younger.
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DBlack 2yrs+
I remember being at Disney World as a kid with my family, and being forced to watch those parades they have, and thinking, "This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen." I'm just grateful they never forced the NYC Easter Parade on me. Speaking of which, though, I've been finding out that my new hood, Crown Heights, has a pretty great West Indian Carnival on Labor Day and I've never been! It runs up and down Eastern Parkway, which is a perfect wide boulevard to have a big carnival on. I think this year I'm going to end up checking it out...
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hhusted 2yrs+
@Everybody: I don't like parades either. I consider them a waste of time. I could be doing something more important like make money. I don't mind going to Walt Disney on my vacation. But there I am not watching a parade. I am walking around, enjoying rides, and what not.
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Basic 2yrs+
You know, one year, I invited all my friends over, hid plastic eggs with numbers in them. The numbers corresponded to a particular prize, and every egg had a number in it. Some of the prizes were minor, like a single candy bar.. but they got more and more extravagant as the 'better hidden' eggs were found. There were Walt Disney posters, dvd's, 12 ans 24 packs of beer.. all sorts of things. Dollar stores did wonders for some prizes! Was a TREMENDOUS amount of fun, as it was already a party atmosphere with drinks and the grill... and made even more fun by the activity...
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JenMac 2yrs+
@basic: that's what I'm talkin about! That sounds like such a good time!
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uptowngirl 2yrs+
@Basic that sure sounds like fun...
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Uraniumfish 2yrs+
Ever since Easter I've actually been going to the gym regularly and religiously, something I didn't quite manage to do all winter long. I think Easter was the point when spring finally felt real...man, I love this sunshine...
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uptowngirl 2yrs+
@Uraniumfish Its not only you as I work on these posts, I can't help but gaze out of the window which affords a view of Carl Shurz Park. Ever since the weather has turned the park has been inundated with enthusiastic exercisers who seem to be reveling in the sunshine as well.
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NeverSleeps 2yrs+
I am with you guys... and I never walked the eight blocks to the gym as often during the winter as I do now. Not a day goes by where I don't want to take a long, luxurious walk around town...
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Nothing like trading in your heavy winter coat for your very slightly less heavy spring coat...
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JenMac 2yrs+
This is the time of year where taking the subway, bus, cab is so depressing. It's so wonderful to be outdoors and people watch! It's really hard to get any work done.
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