Questions in Milan
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Unanswered Questions in Milan
Where's a good restaurant in Milan to go for an anniversary?
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Is there any reason why a Milan resident might own a small boat? Any local lakes?
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Are there any nice venues in Milan for weddings or other major parties?
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How is the housing market in Milan? Has it gotten better in recent years?
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How many Milan residents are on welfare or other government assistance?
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Does Milan have any issues with vandalism-related crime or is that not seen here?
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Where or how can one learn about the history of the Town of Milan?
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Is there a fee to use the Roeliff Jansen Multiple Use Area?
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Is Milan the most isolated-feeling town in Dutchess County, in your opinion?
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When there are new houses in Milan, are they being zoned on larger lots?
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Does any part of Milan ever see much auto or people activity?
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Is there anywhere in Milan to find local produce available for sale?
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Are there any plans in the works to bring the Dutchess County Loop Bus through Milan?
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What's the parking situation for the Roeliff-Jansen Multiple Use Area?
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Are there any houses available in Milan near the Roeliff-Jansen Creek?
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With Milan not so close to good shopping, do many residents tend to shop online?
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What's the typical socioeconomic class of Milan residents?
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Does Milan have a strong town identity or is it just too sparsely-populated and spread out?
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Are there any new local businesses appearing in Milan?
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Is there much to do at Lafayetteville Multiple Use Area?
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Has there been a lot of new housing development construction in Milan?
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Does Milan have any big problems with flies and/or mosquitos in the summer?
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What is one allowed to do in the Roeliff Jansen Kill? Fish? Rowboat? Raft? Swim?
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Does Milan have an Easter egg hunt for the kids in the spring?
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Is Milan known for anything in particular in the region or county?
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Is there anywhere in Milan to swim? Public pools, lakes, creeks?
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Can you find good real estate in Milan online or is it best to use a local realtor?
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