What troubles New Yorkers the most

The NYT recently conducted a survey to find out what are the top priorities for New Yorkers. We have often spoken about the cost of housing, the subway issues etc.
Here are the results of the survey which indicates that Jobs and unemployment are tops -no wonder in a city that is so expensive to live in,

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NeverSleeps 2yrs+
I have to say that the news networks sometimes take off with sensational stories that don't really matter much in the actual lives of many citizens. Not that it isn't important to let people have the freedom to practice whatever religion they want in whatever building they've picked out. I just mean that your everyday average Joe has their own problems that seem more pressing to them. I think this story really highlights that.
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Uraniumfish 2yrs+
What a bizarre poll. How are housing and education even remotely comparable as issues to the building of a mosque? The point they make is a good one, that there are more important worries in people's lives, but the wording of th epoll question is pretty silly.
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NeverSleeps 2yrs+
The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of StreetAdvisor.
Good point, @uraniumfish. But at least we get the sense that people have more important things to do than worry about the non-mosque, not-at-Ground-Zero "Ground Zero mosque."
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Uraniumfish 2yrs+
@ajadeidealist Well said.
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NeverSleeps 2yrs+
@ajadedidealist Seriously.
The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of StreetAdvisor.
Thanks, guys! (But yeah, it's NOT at ground zero. And it's NOT a mosque. Calling it the Ground Zero Mosque is a prejudicial and loaded term....and makes the issue sound like a much bigger deal than it is!)
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