Does the Hegewisch neighborhood in Chicago have alot of crime compared to the rest of Chicago?
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I wouldn't say Hegewisch has a crazy high crime rate, but it's certainly lower on the totem pole of safe and nice neighborhoods. It's on the south side and has a lot of low income families and there's still a trailer park here. These thing sorta breed crime.
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for the most part it's neighborhoods are safe,but you still have to watch out for transients people who don't live in the area it's a relatively low crime area and it's good for families,the good thing about Hegewisch is that when troublemakers come into the area or visiting they move in for a while but they get bored because it's got that small town feel and they leave right away so that's the good part but a lot of the trouble comes from transience that don't live in the area and it doesn't happen too often but you do have to be alert just like any neighborhood in any City.
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The Hegewisch neighborhood in Chicago is a very low crime rate in comparison to the rest of Chicago. Most crimes in this area are petty crimes like burglary and fraud. As of the beginning of 2012 no violent crimes have been reported for this neighborhood.
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