Would you recommend the West Town neighborhood in Chicago for singles?
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West town /Humboldt Park has always been neglected by politicians/city since minorities lived in the area.Discrimination far outweighed the needs of the community, and they allowed the community to run down by not funding the community adequately and keeping the minority population uninformed. As a result, some undesirables emerged which the city's politicians allowed to prosper and utilized to keep the residents control and in there so call place. Finally, when the community began to open its eyes, and to make some demands, and the city's politicians realized the gold mine they had been neglecting, gentrification started to occur little by little.The community not realizing what was really going on, and naively believing they were finally getting their share of the pie, began to cooperate with the politicians where many good residents had to leave, and those that stayed can't afford to live there or make expensive repairs etc. Of coarse, don't forget the undesirables that have not left and are living there too....a lot of them have even become professionals and are ln positions of authority and not necessarily are they just of the Hispanic or black persuasion.......
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Absolutely. West Town is a perfect place for a single Chicagoan. There are plenty of bars and young people around. Great place.
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