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South 48th St, Phoenix

33.4086854274217 -111.978259322329

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"Beautiful House Behind Golf Course"
33.4821617375072 -112.055549998913
"This is a great area to be in"
33.6820098052499 -111.975908051014
"Great drive for all!"
33.4590588306097 -111.949800524191
"A great place for starting a family"
33.4297141508293 -112.229993432106

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"Mountains to mountains."
33.5827384179886 -111.996199657806

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"Bell Road OH BOY LOL!"
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"Central Avenue Cuts Through The Heart of the City"
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"East Cactus Road my thoughts...."
33.5976715632807 -111.992130336563
"Cross town roadway"
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"Car dealerships and upscale apartments."
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