Do any trains stop in Rhinecliff?
What routes?
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3 Answers
P.S. Parking in Poukeepsie is $3.75. Altho Rhinebeck is only two miles from Amtrak, it is almost impossible to get a parking spot and even
if you do, it's down a very steep I was using car service to go to and from ($8.00+$2 tip) ea way
if you do, it's down a very steep I was using car service to go to and from ($8.00+$2 tip) ea way
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Yes, Amtrak does and it goes to Penn Station. Since I go to Manhattan a few times a month, I drive from Rhinebeck to
Poughkeepsie (17 miles, no traffic) and take MetroNorth to Grand Central. When I travel off peak, as a senior
citizen, I pay $12.25 each way. Amtrak is more money.
If you need a way to find the station easily (so many exits say to the train, but mine is soooo easy) just ask.
Poughkeepsie (17 miles, no traffic) and take MetroNorth to Grand Central. When I travel off peak, as a senior
citizen, I pay $12.25 each way. Amtrak is more money.
If you need a way to find the station easily (so many exits say to the train, but mine is soooo easy) just ask.
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Barbarar5- I notice you buy a senior ticket to Metro North. My husband and I are considering a retirement move to Rhinebeck. Is it a senior friendly town? Thank you for any input.
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