Questions in Poughkeepsie
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Unanswered Questions in Poughkeepsie
Is there anywhere in Crown Heights where residents can beat the heat? Pools, lakes, indoors?
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Are there any unsafe neighborhoods in the Town of Poughkeepsie?
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Is life in the City of Poughkeepsie fast-paced or not really?
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What's the most well-to-do neighborhood in the City of Poughkeepsie?
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Are there still a lot of trees in Fairview or is it becoming more urbanized?
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What is typically the cheapest gas station in Red Oaks Mill?
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Do police in Spackenkill give out lots of speeding tickets?
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Is there a local firehouse in Crown Heights? Are emergencies responded to quickly?
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What is the rate of population growth in Poughkeepsie? Slowing or increasing?
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Is the City of Poughkeepsie well-maintained for the most part?
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Do the schools in Spackenkill frequently close for snow in the winter?
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Has there been a lot of development in Crown Heights in recent years?
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How does Poughkeepsie unemployment compare to the rest of New York?
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How is the air quality in the City of Poughkeepsie, generally speaking?
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Do the passing trains create too much noise in Crown Heights?
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What's the quality of the tap water in the Town of Poughkeepsie?
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Are there jobs in law and/or the courts available in the City of Poughkeepsie?
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What's the average rate for condos in the Spackenkill area?
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Is the Town of Poughkeepsie a good place for an educated professional to find work?
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How are the schools in the Spackenkill school district rated?
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What are the property taxes like in the Town of Poughkeepsie?
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Does Vassar College make the surrounding neighborhoods too loud/busy?
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What are some good restaurants/bistros near Vassar College?
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Are there any housing developments dedicated specifically to students from the surrounding colleges?
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