Questions in Poughkeepsie
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Unanswered Questions in Poughkeepsie
Are there any stores or a library within walking distance (a mile or so) to 24 Beechwood Avenue?
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Is Vassar College in Poughkeepsie still considered a prestigious school?
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Where are the employment agencies or offices in Poughkeepsie?
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Would you like to see a riverside promenade in Poughkeepsie?
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Are there any "haunted" houses to visit in Poughkeepsie on Halloween?
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What's the most popular farm market near Poughkeepsie?
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Has the Hudson River in Poughkeepsie been treated in any signficant way for chemicals?
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Which Poughkeepsie hardware store do you prefer: Home Depot or Lowe's?
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What's the full extent of public transport options in Poughkeepsie?
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Are there any foreign consulates located anywhere near Poughkeepsie?
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What's the estimated train travel time between Poughkeepsie and Yankee Stadium?
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Which Poughkeepsie store has more customers: K-Mart or Target?
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On weekends, when's the typical last call at Poughkeepsie bars?
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Where can I consult Poughkeepsie's rules on what must be recycled?
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Does the City of Poughkeepsie collect or vacuum up leaves in the fall?
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With the housing market as it is, has home building slowed down in Poughkeepsie?
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Does the Poughkeepsie Journal have any serious local competition?
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What's the most popular radio station in Poughkeepsie?
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In your opinion, what's the most interesting item in Poughkeepsie's history?
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Does Dutchess County have a tourism board or office located in Poughkeepsie?
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What sorts of community outreach programs might you find in Poughkeepsie?
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Are there any marriage retreats operating in Poughkeepsie?
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How far from Poughkeepsie would one need to go for decent skiing or snowboarding?
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About how much could I expect to pay to gas-heat my home in Poughkeepsie annually?
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Does the area around Vassar College get quieter in summer when the students leave?
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Aside from Best Buy, what are some electronics store options in Poughkeepsie?
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Does Red Oaks Mill have a higher average income than the rest of Poughkeepsie?
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Poughkeepsie has many new residents; where are they moving from to get here?
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Is it common or rare for Poughkeepsie to see political demonstrations?
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Is the Vassar College Farm in any way open to the public?
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How would you rate your restaurant options in Poughkeepsie overall?
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Is the crime rate in Poughkeepsie generally increasing or decreasing?
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What's typical for a school tax bill in Poughkeepsie in 2012?
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Are there any large stadiums in Poughkeepsie, city or town?
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Where in Poughkeepsie to go for inexpensive pool supplies?
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What's the typical age range of the crowds at Mahoney's in Poughkeepsie?
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Is the Walkway Over the Hudson met with a strong police presence?
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Do Poughkeepsie schools sell soda or are they transitioning to less sugary drinks?
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About how many Poughkeepsie residents are below the poverty line?
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