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North Elmira St, West Anaheim

33.8533522496497 -117.971696252218

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Unranked Streets in West Anaheim

"A cool street in Disneyland! Shopping, music and more!"
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"Budding intersection for entertainment"
33.8297142499315 -117.92883800081
33.8250892374864 -118.000358778036

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"Safe and Friendly Neighborhoods"
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"One of the city's roads less travelled"
33.8221149435457 -117.967622058084
"Queit, solitary street"
33.8333571678986 -117.935865225384

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"Worth checking out while house hunting"
33.824924285354 -117.974096561598

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"Spacious park to spend the day."
33.8271116431183 -117.9765437609
"A main street, it get's noisy"
33.8268832494466 -117.985757752229
"Close to parks, schools & community centers"
33.8418686612754 -117.967007405648

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