Is pleasant plains safe to live in? And to walk to the metro as a young white female?
The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of StreetAdvisor. Report5 Answers
You are implying that because you are white danger will happen TO YOU! By whom I wonder? Someone not white? someone say...asian? someone say latino? someone I am exhausted of your type. You jump right into victim mode based off some preconceived notions you have about other people who aren't white I suppose. I guess white people are not capable of rape, burglary, stalking, murder, id-theft, peeping tom-I could go on and on. I feel sad for you. Wherever you are trying to move to-DON'T DO IT. That community won't want your type anyway.
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According to the US Department of Justice, 88% percent of sexual assaults do not cross racial lines. In other words, as a white female you only have a 12% chance of being assaulted by someone non-white. For a more in depth consideration of the vulnerability of young white women in television dramas versus in reality please read: It is imperative that people moving into diverse communities examine assumptions about people of color or incalcuable damage is done to the fabric of the community. In other words, when newcomers treat long-term residents like criminals the sense of community is destroyed. However, when newcomers make an effort to engage with long-term residents age-old barriers across race and class are transcended.
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John MacArthur
Pleasant Plains is located in one of DC's hottest neighborhoods. You are close to U St and Howard U. I work in DC and spend time in this area every week. Regardless of the time of day or night, there are people out and about, walking and enjoying life. I see men and women, young and old, all shapes, sizes and colors. It is city living.
Regarding your question about safety, I can not answer definitively that you will feel safe. It would be my belief that you will feel just as safe here as you might feel in Adams Morgan, Dupont Circle or Tenleytown. It is city living. Now, if you are considering moving to the area, it would be my suggestion that you grab a friend and get off the metro at that stop and walk around. Spend time on the street. Trust your "vibe". It may feel perfectly safe to some and others feel afraid. Feeling safe is more than statistics on some website. Feeling safe is directly related to your personal comfort.
If your question is about "young" people or "white" people or "female" people, I don't know. I do know that I have friends that fit your characterization and they love living in the city.
Regarding your question about safety, I can not answer definitively that you will feel safe. It would be my belief that you will feel just as safe here as you might feel in Adams Morgan, Dupont Circle or Tenleytown. It is city living. Now, if you are considering moving to the area, it would be my suggestion that you grab a friend and get off the metro at that stop and walk around. Spend time on the street. Trust your "vibe". It may feel perfectly safe to some and others feel afraid. Feeling safe is more than statistics on some website. Feeling safe is directly related to your personal comfort.
If your question is about "young" people or "white" people or "female" people, I don't know. I do know that I have friends that fit your characterization and they love living in the city.
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Shantee Haynes
Emrog, John and I can supply you with the means to find out that kind of information on your own. However, laws and policies of our profession prohibit us from giving you that information directly ourselves as it implies opinion and Fair Housing laws in our jurisdiction are very defined and don't allow for anything but other sources that are well documented to measure such statistics...
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If you looking for safe streets to the metro station. Please check crime map, you can find less crime streets.
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