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East Juana Ave, Bay O Vista

37.7292213065217 -122.13508319816

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Best Streets in Bay O Vista


Brookvale Dr

"nice residential area, near park"
37.7331902057161 -122.134698693449

Benedict Dr

"Which doctor's office will you pick?"
37.7227263281371 -122.135112307708

Unranked Streets in Bay O Vista

Darius Way

"Very very nice"
37.7162713300534 -122.127591120368
"convvenient for commuters"
37.7315065624821 -122.135430658538

Graff Ave

"quiet middle class neighborhood"
37.7294585871084 -122.133146449621
"Top of the quality of living that you get from this street"
37.7233260926299 -122.12738139931

Lakeview Dr

"Very Nice Country Like Road"
37.7218766771404 -122.125570159254

Parker St

"Very Nice Neighborhood with Very Nice Houses"
37.7305222500513 -122.135991500336
"One of the best roads in San Leandro"
37.731170173304 -122.134865190905

Starview Dr

"Like its Name"
37.7193674226966 -122.125125831946

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