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Interstate 59 Aly, Druid Hills

33.5252310018422 -86.8084992117078

Write a review of Interstate 59 Aly

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(e.g: A small town - where everybody knows your name)

Pros of Interstate 59 Aly?

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Cons of Interstate 59 Aly?

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Who would you recommend it for?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
  • Tourists
  • LGBT+
  • Hipsters
  • Students
  • Country Lovers
  • Trendy & Stylish
  • Beach Lovers

How affluent are the people in Interstate 59 Aly?

  • Super Wealthy
  • Wealthy
  • Average Income
  • Low Income

How do you know Interstate 59 Aly?

Review Guidelines

Can't think of what to write? Not a problem, just follow these tips!

  1. Be Honest. If your area is great, then tell us about it! If your area is horrible then tell us about that as well (everyone loves a good dose of gossip), but don't forget to write about the reasons behind your likes and dislikes.
  2. People like to hear about personal experiences, so let people know about everyday life in your area. How long have you lived there? How often do you see your neighbors? Are the people friendly?
  3. Try and write about things that you would want to know if you were moving to a new area. For example, what is the traffic like on weekends? Is there a lot of social activity? Are there a lot of dogs that bark at night?
  4. Feel free to talk about other areas you have lived in previously that compare to this one. It's always good to hear how other areas compare.

What not to include?

  1. Personal threats or insults.
  2. Abusive or offensive language of any kind.
  3. Copying other people's content.
  4. Wikipedia content, or any other copied content from around the web.
  5. Duplicate content across reviews.
  6. Don't including advertising or self promotion of any sort within a review.
  7. Do not write with an inappropriate amount of capital letters.

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